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All of my kids are progressing really well. I like the curriculum, I find that there is plenty of practice and analytical thinking with word problems, not just rote memorization.

Natalia Woehl

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Thinkster has made our kids perform competitively with their peers. It has also given them a lot of confidence in their abilities as math students.

Lisa Germann

Learning isn't just about learning how to solve the problems. It's actually understanding the questions and understanding the whole concept of it. And I think that's what really taught [our son] how to be a better mathematician.

Julian Dulay

It's just so easy to use and it helps to build [student] confidence, and it helps to build their independence… and that's critical.

Desi Nesmith

I highly recommend Thinkster just because of the different programs that it has to offer in terms of math. I like the variety. I love the working relationship that I have with the tutor and I am just highly satisfied with the supplemental education that it it offers for kids who have that desire to learn more in math than their actual teacher might not be giving them.

Charissa Cromwell

I can say that Adam continuing to work with Thinkster and work on his math skills has improved his confidence and his willingness to even work at math, an area where he had struggled before joining Thinkster

Jenny McBrayer

I think the biggest thing for us is that we just don't have to deal with the tears and the frustration anymore. He's just more confident, he's willing and he likes to learn... and I think Thinkster gave that to him.

Fiona Thomas

The basic math of [Algebra 1] is not so hard. But when you convert that to real-life… there’s a lot of word problem type questions, that is always more challenging. I think this has done a really good job. It gives a lot of the core concepts and then it takes it a step further.

Jennifer Dzierzak

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